◆Retrospective analysis of multiple myeloma patients treated with carfilzomib in Kansai Myeloma Forum
京都大学大学院医学研究科 諌田淳也
◆Clinical outcomes of very elderly patients with MM: retrospective analysis from Kansai Myeloma Forum
京都府立医大 志村勇司
◆Plateau is prognosis factor of lenalidomide treatment for previously treated multiple myeloma
済生会中津病院 太田健介
◆Significance of consolidation and maintenance therapies after HDT/ASCT for symptomatic MM
関西医科大学 中谷 綾
◆Retrospective analysis of poor mobilization in multiple myeloma registered on Kansai Myeloma Forum.
京都鞍馬口医療センター 淵田真一